We just love
leadership programs.

Before Yomento, we were consultants that sold, developed and delivered leadership programs. However, we always struggled to measure impact and help participants apply their learnings on the job.

This is why we created Yomento.

And developed our proven, four-step approach to leadership development.

Step 1

Identify behaviors

We help you identify the actions - the specific, observable, and recurring leadership behaviors - that your program supports and enables

Step 2

Assess behaviors

Before and after the program, we perform so called “habit scans” for each participant. Their colleagues and direct reports provide their perspective on how often they perform the behaviors identified in step 1.

Step 3

Demonstrate behaviors

Throughout the program, participants use Yomento’s habit builder app, which applies behavioural science principles, to help them consistently demonstrate the requested behaviours in the flow of work.

Step 4

Analyse behaviors

We move beyond smile sheets and NPS. Yomento’s dashboards and Impact Reports track behavior change, program impact and RoI, segmented by geography, seniority and business units.

Looking to learn more?

Tom, our leadership development expert, is here to help

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Answers to Your Most
Pressing Questions

Does Yomento develop and deliver leadership programs?


No. However, we work with several leadership development partners, and also directly with customers that run leadership programs internally. No matter the setup, we always work closely with key program stakeholders to ensure that Yomento is seamlessly integrated and captures relevant data and insights

How do you identify which leadership behaviors a program should measure and support?


We adopt a hands-on, collaborative approach. In practice, this means that we always meet with relevant program stakeholders to review content and jointly agree on the specific on-the-job behaviors that we want to measure before, during and after the program. For new programs, we often use Habit Scans as part of the needs analysis to inform the concept and content development, before identifying the specific behaviors we want to track.

How does the “Habit Scan” assessment work?


Yomento’s Habit Scan measures how often colleagues and direct reports perceive that their leader demonstrates each specific leadership behavior the program is driving, in the flow of work. It also measures the level of trust they currently hold towards their leader. A habit scan takes about 7-10 minutes to complete. For more details on the purpose and process of a Habit Scan, click here. To watch a video showing how a leader’s colleague or direct report completes the Habit Scan, click here (note: text in video is in English, no voiceover or subtitles).

How does the Habit Builder app work?


Program participants download the Yomento Habit Builder app on their smartphone and work with it throughout the program. It is a modern nudging tool helping leaders execute the behaviors the programs is designed to enable, in the flow of their work. There is a particular focus on nudging the specific behaviors that each participant’s colleagues have raised in the Habit Scan. For a demo of the Habit Builder app, please contact us on support@yomento.com, or book a meeting with us.

What type of data can you generate via the Dashboards and Impact Reports?


This depends on the program design and what we want to measure. Generally speaking, we can track the level of trust and the application of specific leadership behaviors before, during and after the program for all participants. We can also see the most requested behaviors from colleagues and direct reports, as well as the most practiced behaviors by participants. And lots more!

What is the cost to add Yomento into a new or existing leadership program?


Total investment in Yomento will depend on two things - the level of customization needed and the number of participants. Ball park, the annual participant license fee is between €100 - €200 and customization services in the platform range from €2500 - €7500. For more detailed pricing information, book a meeting with us and we’ll run through the numbers.

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