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Answers to Your Most
Pressing Questions

How did you select the 60 behaviors in your platform?


Leaders step into hundreds of actions over time. In our research, we have identified 60 keystone behaviors that great leaders do consistently, as habits. These keystone behaviors have been identified from several sources of established research, such as full range leadership and psychological safety.

What are the 60 behaviors, and do they differ between different leadership roles?


Yomentoโ€™s 60 behaviors are distributed over 10 different categories, further segmented into small, medium and large effort. They include โ€œsimpleโ€ things, like saying hi in the morning and giving instant feedback, to bigger things like communicating the vision and sharing progress on short term goals. Different behaviors are displayed in the platform depending on your leadership role and context (leading leaders, leading teams, leading projects etc).

What if we do not have a competency model or framework, but are still interested in getting more insights into how our leaders behave day to day?


You can use Yomentoโ€™s existing behaviors and categories as the foundation to uncover data and insights. That being said, we observe the biggest impact when Yomento is connected to the bigger context, i.e the expectations established in a companyโ€™s leadership framework or competency model.

How do you customize habits?


Many organizations have critical, company-specific, on-the-job leadership behaviors that may not be fully captured in Yomentoโ€™s existing library. In these situations, we work together with partners and clients to document these behaviors and customize the Habit Scan, Habit Builder app and Leader Analytics dashboard to ensure these behaviors are communicated, assessed and measured over time.

Can Yomento be customized to our leadership framework and visual identity?


Yes, this is something we do for the vast majority of our partners and clients.