Lets collaborate!

We work with leadership consulting firms to develop and deliver impactful leadership initiatives for their clients.

What's in it for you?

Partnering with Yomento helps consulting firms differentiate with an agile, 
cost-effective, innovative, and data-driven approach to leadership development.

Our partners extend engagements, increase margins, deepen customer
relationships, and generate new revenue streams.

“Yomento has helped us create a different approach to leadership development, with much greater impact. It nudges leaders into action and allows us to actually measure leadership shifts in an agile and innovative way.”

Henrik Martin

CEO at Stardust Consulting

“Partnering with Yomento has been fantastic! We can now support leaders translate their learnings into high-impact leadership behaviours in the flow of work. Not only that - Yomento gives us the tools to measure leadership effectiveness and evolution in real time, which provides the data and insights needed to continuously support our clients’ leadership development needs.

Carl Axelsson

Founder and Director at Lead4X


Answers to Your Most
Pressing Questions

How do we know if Yomento is a good fit for our offering?


Yomento is not for everyone, and that is ok. We have noticed that smaller consulting firms offering standardized, shorter, one-off training programs do not get the full benefit of the platform. Currently, our most successful partners deliver programs for 100+ leaders / year, have customers that request data and impact measurement and are looking to include digital tools in their learning design and learning journeys.

What is the upside in partnering with Yomento?


A few things: Yomento allows you to go beyond smile sheets and NPS, measuring both the RoI and the level of behavior change as a consequence of your leadership initiatives. It creates a new revenue stream through licenses. It helps extend your client engagements beyond learning journeys and programs and, finally, Yomento allows you to get actionable data for iidentifying the development needs of different leader segments in your client organizations.

Can Yomento be customized to our - and/or our customers’ - methodology and visual identity?


Yes, we can customize the Habit Scan, Habit Builder app and Leader Analytics reports to any partner or customer’s leadership model and graphics profile.

How does the revenue sharing work between us?


This is hard to summarize in a few sentences. To get a copy of our partner agreement with all details, please email support@yomento.com. If you prefer discussing the arrangement with us in person (virtual or F2F), we invite you to book a meeting.

How much does Yomento typically make up of the total deal size?


This varies a great deal. However a good benchmark is that Yomento on average constitutes around 10-15% of the total opportunity for our partners.

How do we get started?


Book a meeting with us and we’ll run through the onboarding details. Typically, we start our partner engagements with a pilot project to ensure everything works and that Yomento lives up to your expectations. Once expectations have been met, we formalise the partnership and continue our collaboration.

Do we get involved in administering the Yomento platform?


There are a few basic functionalities and recurring tasks (adding/removing participants to the platform, navigating dashboards etc) that we provide training for. We take care of the more advanced workflows (trend and data analysis, insights and recommendations etc) in each project.

For which types of projects is it beneficial to use Yomento? When should it not be integrated into our proposals?


Yomento has the biggest impact when it is connected to something bigger. This typically means that we align Yomento to the client’s leadership framework, integrate it into new or existing leadership programs, or use Yomento to continuously capture data on competency development needs over time. Yomento is not as impactful when used as a standalone product or app that leaders use as a personal leadership trainer at work.